OBLIC receives almost daily reports of cyber issues. Reach into OBLIC’s Cyber “Toolbox” for information and resources to help you avoid becoming a cyber statistic by clicking on this link https://www.oblic.com/resources/
If you’re an OBLIC policyholder and don’t have a Loss Prevention login password, click here to register. (Please note: This is NOT the same password you use for your online policy renewal.)
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all about potential cyber scams, phishing schemes, or questionable emails. We’re here to help! Remember: There are NO dumb questions! If something seems questionable, call before you click!
If you have any questions about this or any other loss prevention topic, please contact:
Gretchen Koehler Mote, Esq.,
Director of Loss Prevention
Ohio Bar Liability Insurance Company